Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Carefree as a bee....

Carefree as a bee…

They say that those who expect nothing shall never be disappointed. I am wondering how you get to that point. Maybe some people are just born that way. They are completely care free. Sometimes I catch myself googling hopeless self help sites just to investigate the way that other people on the planet think and absorb..

Have you ever typed “how to be carefree” into a search bar?

There are all kinds of pages in relation to this question. My favorite.. ehow.. “how to lead a carefree life”…
They list 7 ways to be carefree….

1.)     Examine the responsibilities and chores that you currently handle each week and decide if there are any that you can leave off the list to free up your schedule for more enjoyable activities.
2.)     Learn to love yourself and forget about what others think of you. All too often we find ourselves obsessing about what others think of us when what really matters is how we value ourselves.
3.)     Live each day with a positive attitude, and be patient and kind with others. Letting go of any negative thoughts you're having and focusing on the positive aspects of your life will help you to be more compassionate with others.
4.)     Spend time relaxing, pampering yourself, enjoying life and doing things that you love to do.
5.)     Laugh more often. Read a funny book, watch a comedy, joke around with your friends and family and let yourself laugh.
6.)     Prioritize your time spent with friends and loved ones, especially your spouse and children.
7.)     Let go of the grudges that you've been holding against those who've wronged you. Those negative feelings will only hinder you in your quest to live a carefree life.

As I read thought these tips. i.e. suggestions on how to be carefree.. I am a bit astonished how easy it all sounds. I thought or maybe I was deeply hoping that being carefree had something to do with traveling a lot and fishing on the weekends, feeling the sun on my face and the sand on my feet. I suppose this isn’t the only route to leading a carefree life, as you truly do have to make time for yourself to even remotely enjoy a “fishing on the weekends venture!” Lol!!!
 I continue to rifle through them over and over again! I am diligently assessing how to really incorporate them into my life.

As much as I plan and plan and smile and think that I have it all figured out…
 I always stop hard at NUMBER 7!
And as I stop hard at number 7… I am breathless..

7)     “Let go of the grudges that you've been holding against those who've wronged you. Those negative feelings will only hinder you in your quest to live a carefree life.

This is the stopping point..and it makes so much sense to me, at least in my mind it makes sense.. in reality this is what this blog is about.. being single to overcome my grudges. Being single to forvgive those that who have wronged me and how I have wronged myself. Being single to find me…. Me…. Me…me….me....
I wish that I could say that’s where I am and that I have made so much progress.. but when I read that sentence.. I realize how very FAR I am from that “carefree”.
So if this is the only thing that’s stopping me and the  past is affecting me in my present, why would I give into it?
Because... I want to make sure...When I step forward this time.. It will never sneak up behind me again!

SO, in saying my peace on this subject of carefree... I am curious... how close are all of you to living a carefree life?

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