Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentines somewhere else

As I sit here today watching the snow falling slowing out the window, I look below at the parking lot full of lightly dusted cars. From the fifth floor everything feels so far away.  I am lost in translation as my attention slips just out of reach my focus becomes fixated by a slight color variation within the dull grey sky. I continue to stare as snowflakes fall in a sideways pattern. Controlled by the wind, these flakes have no say in the direction that they are to travel or land. It’s all by happenstance that they are blowing by me on this day.

The colors start to blend together erasing the hold that this current surrounding has on me, allowing me to envision a different time.  The snowflakes falling before me begin to transform into marble accents swirling within the grey skies, creating pillars that are gracefully dramatic and just outside of my reach. It is as though they bridge the sky creating a mystical parallel of a world that is not our own allowing this rendition of a magical setting before me!   

Where does that bridge lead to? Well, today it leads me to Rome.

Not Rome as it stands today, Rome as it stood under the rule of Emperor Claudius II. Rome when it was involved in many bloody and unpopular campaigns, when war raged across their lands. During this time in Rome, Claudius became a cruel and hurtful ruler who was having a difficult time getting soldiers to join his military, this brought forth a dark time where all of the magic was hidden beneath the tears of chaos that surrounded them all!

In ancient Rome it was custom for the lives of young boys and girls to be lived completely separate. Therefore they came together only on occasions like the one that we are celebrating today, February 14th

This was a holiday to honor Juno the Queen of the Roman Goddesses. Juno stood for women and marriage. To celebrate the Roman girls wrote their names on slips of paper and placed them into jars! Each young man would draw a name from the jar and they would be partners for the duration of the festival. Sometimes the pairings lasted an entire year. And sometimes they would fall in love and marry.

With the rise of Christianity and the plaguing of the war, Valentine, a Roman priest started to make a name for himself!  Claudius II was so war hungry that he banned all unions in Rome. Valentine took it upon himself to practice secret Christian unions in the name of love.

He was captured soon after he began to rebel against the emperor and was tried for crimes against the throne. He was locked away in a prison where he could no longer cause rebellion for or help the Christians to make oaths that would keep men from the battle field. While he was awaiting his fate that would result in death, those that he married threw letters of gratitude and flowers at the door of his prison. The people of Rome thanked him often for his sacrifice in the name of love.  

During his time in Prison, Valentine was allowed one visitor, a young maiden, whom was actually the daughter of the prison guard. She would sneak in and comfort Valentine while he counted down the days leading to his tragic ending.
When he was carted away... He forged his final act of love. Valentine left a single note for this maiden, and signed it “From your Valentine”.

Through the horror and bloodshed of Rome, love managed to conquer all... It sacrificed and it endured. The people believed that Love was the heart of the world and they were willing to go to great lengths to make sure that no one could take that from them!

February 14th... Still remains a tradition...

As I sink back into reality in this office, I began to see the snowflakes again, painting the grey skies.  I feel warmth in my heart that for a short time erased the chaos of my life.  

Valentine was able to give his life to make people happy. He vowed to stand for love. I will do the same. That is the definition of unconditional. To Love through the pain, through the loss and never lose hope that one day that union will be forever, regardless of what it is that you must endure together!

I may not sign a Valentine today, but unlike Valentine, I have the gift of time. I have time to make fond memories and to touch someone else’s life with unconditional love!  

Happy Valentine’s Day, may we remember that what we feel has been taken from us, was never really taken at all. Love resides inside of us, an unconditional love. Hold onto these traditions. Leave your mark on the hearts of others!  

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