Tuesday, May 22, 2012

A self portrait!

My personality type makes up about 4% of the population.  I can be restless, anxious, moody, and plagued by erratic sleeping patterns. I never complain about my restless mind because I feel lost if my inner waters are too still.  I seek out, unconsciously, experiences that will intensify my passion or inspiration.  When inspired I disappear for hours on end, immersing myself in writing, playing music, graphic designing or even photographing. Creative expression is my lifeblood, my key to self-discovery and self-expression of my inner world. I struggle balancing between work and family at times. Some people think my life is frenetic and chaotic. However, creative work is what keeps me sane! If I could, I wouldn’t live by a calendar or clock, I would have complete freedom from time.  I am edgy when I can’t have uninterrupted time alone. I am very two sided in emotion! I can be witty and chatty if I am inspired and in good spirits, and I can be cold, distant, and sulk without reason!  I tend to struggle spoken words. I avoid drawn out phone conversations, and most of the time I would rather text than talk. I am more in tune with non-verbal communication—facial expressions, body language than most. I often read between the lines looking for discrepancies between what is said and what is physically expressed. This is how I judge if you are trustworthy. I will never let you know that I know that you are lying, but I will distance myself from you without explanation. I lead with my heart not my head. If my heart isn’t on board, if I can’t believe in it, be it love or any other project I will not give it my full attention.  I will change my mind a hundred times and try all of the wrong things before I choose what is right and what is wrong. I am in introvert.. an INFP.

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